Your Diary can Make You a Billionaire: The Benefits of Keeping a Diary: Journaling Your Life to Bring Out Best Out of Your Head


    Do you maintain a diary and write your thoughts into it? I'm asking this because in India, only a few people maintain and actually write in their personal diary.

    With the introduction of the internet, most people have forgotten the value of writing on paper. The feeling and texture of writing in real life has something that actually heals us somewhere. Texting and writing both have a great difference in making you feel divergent.

    Most people think, maintaining a diary is just a habit of young people but literally it's a habit everyone should follow for a lifetime.

    Everyone is a thinker but the first rule of great thinking is to think clear, right and precise. It should be noted that even billionaires and world successful personalities like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates maintain a personal diary to record their ideas and schedules clearly.

    I think, we should go deep into the benefits of maintaining a diary and learn about how the process has the potential to make you a billionaire:

    1. Genius Ideas can be Forgotten Easily

    The whole world is an art and a proper system of information, opinions and ideas. Every time we interact with the environment, we get connected to some truths and in that process, our minds release many worthy genius ideas while exploring the world at its best.

    • It's true, we see a lot of things, learn about them but forget to implement genius ideas we get in our minds. First after having your diary, we should record it properly and without any filters.

    When we write something, we make a good affirmation to ourselves to know what we really are. Writing good ideas releases stress and makes us feel & express our emotions properly. If you don't write, genius ideas will be forgotten in some time and your true emotions may get suppressed. So, after having a diary, regularly record your ideas and trust me, everything will fall into your space.

    May be your next billionaire idea is just a few words away.

    2. Intelligent Minds Need to be Organised

    It doesn't matter how intelligent you are but how much organised you are. Your intelligence doesn't work at its full potential until you make clear thoughts out of your mind.

    There's a big difference between successful and intelligent people. Successful people are very much dedicated towards their goals clearly. They have clear vision instead of having every random thought in their mind.

    It's the first rule of writing to make you think clearly because when you write clearly, you make your mind think like that. You remove the disturbances and confusion in your mind. It's significant to write your ideas and emotions clearly and of course your mind will surely work like that most of the time.

    • Be organised than to do everything at once. Write down everything in your diary clearly and know about yourself.

    3. Implementation of Written Ideas Gives Immense Satisfaction

    If you have written something worthy, it can be forgotten from your mind but you can re-read it again to absorb every sense of it. When you write your goals clearly, you make a promise to yourself and when you achieve even a part of your goals, you will feel immense happiness and satisfaction.

    Write what is significant, not what is useless because one day, you will have to re-read this again and I hope you would not feel embarrassed and guilty while reading your thoughts.

    4. All your Life Organised at One Place

    Our minds can think of anything but can't remember everything for long and in that process, it may result in forgetting the great ideas. Diaries don't only help to get our ideas systematic but also make a synchronisation of our thoughts in a much better manner.

    It's like having our every thought at one place. So, after that, you don't always need to remember your genius ideas again & again.

    5. The Other Best Ideas for Journaling Your Thoughts

    A. When you write your goals clearly, they become easier to achieve than to keep it only in your minds. Writing a good idea is like freeing our mind from that idea and thought and we don't feel occupied after writing our ideas.

    B. Writing assists in transferring and expressing our emotions in the way we want. It's like pouring the core of your heart on paper and reading the veins of your heart again.

    C. Journaling isn't only about writing but reading yourself clearly in the mirror of your own identity. When you write your true emotions, you can re-read and absorb yourself slowly in the right direction.

    D. It's true, if you want to learn about someone, read what they write because anyone who writes, truly injects his personal life and experience into their work and that's why every book feels different when we read it. Someone said it right, if you want to know about great people, then read what they have written and you can even read a man who had already died centuries back. Writing is a good record of someone's life in a more systematic manner.

    E. Many people ask me, how many diaries I have and somehow i don't even know how many I actually have because i never make a counting of that but I can say, i have a lot of old diaries that are entirely fulfilled with my emotions, thoughts and ideas. Next time, you want to know about your friend, read what they write in their diaries. A diary is a very personal thing because in this world, every second human hides something that he doesn't want to share with this world.

    If writing is like pouring ourselves on paper then reading is like absorbing someone else's life in a very detailed and precise manner.

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