6 Ideas to Have a Long Loving Relationship With Your Partner: How to Build Bullet Proof Relationship With Your Love


    • Do you have so many fights with your partner?
    • Do you want to build a great understanding with your partner?
    • Do you feel your partner lacks the attributes your desire?
    • Do you expect so much from your partner?
    • Do you feel irritated by the small problems even?
    Long relationships aren't created overnight but build with good intentions, actions and love. In this article, we will try to solve the above said questions diligently. I have never found a strong bond in the beginning of any relationship.
    People generally ask, why do we have so many fights? Sometimes we hate, sometimes we don't even like each other and my answer is, it's perfectly normal to have fights, some unintentional hate or sometimes extremes. Sometimes, human emotions get out of control and they get into the process of saying things that have no real meaning but in our opinion, a fight shouldn't go beyond to a point where getting back to normal would become a tough process.

    • Having a long loving relationship with your partner is a process and you have to go through every phase in this process, at least if you aren't prepared. If everyone in our lives comes with expectations then no one will be able to listen to us.

    Here are 6 Great Ideas to Build a Good Relationship With Your Partner:

    1. Go Through Every Event and Situation in Life

    If you think, you only want good from your partner, then this will end up nothing. Whatever relationship you have, you have to go through both the good and bad attributes of your partner and that doesn't mean the bearable good or bad will be eliminated but after experiencing everything, you will reach a new level to accept bearable bad attributes from your love. If every bad event is disturbing or teasing you then it means you aren't mature enough to understand that it's a part of the process.
    • Both partners have to go through necessary & unnecessary fights, love, misunderstanding, understanding, sometimes harsh words and silence. It's a process to understand until both partners start to understand each other even in silence.

    2. Love doesn't need anyone even the person you love: Do Not Create Obsession

    That's the biggest mistake, most partners become obsessed as soon as they enter into a relationship. You can't win someone by stealing their entire time.
    When you love someone, you allow him freedom to have in his natural skin, routine and personality. People feel irritated when they feel they are bound by something even if they don't use that freedom. Give your partner enough time to do what he wants. If he wants to meet his friends then it's okay. The same life goes for you. Giving freedom creates a sense of responsibility in a good way and both will feel happiness in their relationship.

    • Obsession is the biggest factor that leads to poor relationships, not just love but any kind of relationship.

    3. If you love someone you overlook 99% dissimilarity but if you hate someone you can't even overlook 1% dissimilarity

    Most partners change when they start to fulfill their needs because they were after their needs, not you.
    When you love someone you don't need or want anything from your partner. It's just their pure presence and vibes that make them happy. Most people even go after a marriage relationship to get something and don't care for it in the long run. Really if you love someone, you will overlook everything because there's no one who is almost perfect but it's our perception, love & emotional attachment that we overlook.

    • Hate reveals the bad attributes and love reveals the good attributes even though all the attributes remain the same all the time. It's just us, always us who don't want to see the truth.

    4. With Love, Life is Accomplished

    You can ignore every problem in your life if you have your love around you. Love is the most beautiful emotion that takes you to the world of happiness and peace without moving an inch. People want to fall in love but don't understand that loving someone is a big responsibility. Love makes you feel like you have everything even when you have nothing.

    • With love, everything is accomplished. After everything, a few moments of love can make your entire life a beautiful dream and take you to the cloud nine.

    5. The Less You Expect, The More You Absorb

    With expectations, we ignore what is coming our way. In the expectation of 100%, we ignore the 50% good we are getting from someone.
    Acceptance of good things is the key to a happy relationship. The less you expect, the more beautiful life you will experience. I believe, a good relationship is about pouring love rather than expecting love.

    • The more I expect, the less love I feel. The more I accept, the more love I bring out from the person because when we accept, we make the other person comfortable in their own skin. If you love someone due to their good attributes, you only accept the good, not the whole. Every person is partially sad, good, bad, happy, right and wrong. Accept the whole.

    Conclusion: Being Together is The Final Answer

    Do you want your partner to be with you always? If the answer is yes, then whatever you both do, even with fights or misunderstandings, at the end, you will love each other. It's not a bad attribute to involve in a fight but good when all the problems are talked over and may be solved but at least, sometimes a proper communication of a problem to your partner, solves most of the problems.

    • Sometimes some problems get discussed with so much understanding that even the problems don't matter to the partners anymore because for them, being together is the most significant thing is left out.

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