The Art of Deep Communication that will Make your Relationship Unbeatable in Any Part of Life

    The Art of Deep Communication

    Communication is the most significant key and its art is so significant that sometimes it's not the problem that creates much mess and stress but the communication itself. Statistics say, its not the problems that can't be solved with communication but because of the lack of good communication. In some cases, sometimes some people build the communication so strong that even with the unsolved problems, they remain happy with some kind of deep communication.

    Study says, 67.5% of marriages chiefly ended due to communication problems. Sometimes, its over communication that kills the essence of good communication. It's definitely true, communication is the foundation of a successful relationship and it's the deep root of the strong bond that grows over time.

    Over 90% of having a successful healthy relationship is about true communication and in most cases, the lack of right communication leads to divorce but how anyone can make a strong bond of communication with people he encounter or how to learn the art of a good communication that can save everyone but before we should ask ourselves a few questions:

    1. What kind of vibes and energy do you get after communicating with people?
    2. Do you have any people who understand you even before you speak?
    3. Have you ever felt awkward and unpleasant even after doing the right communication?
    4. Do you feel, you communicate with people in the right way?

    Communication is a much deeper art than we think. To some people, we need to explain a lot of times but there are some people who understand us even before we speak. Is this an extraordinary art? Is doing a right communication a hard skill to learn? No, its just an art of common sense. If we try to know our own character, mostly we accept the facts and communication that we feel are right. Most people deny the truth, so their illusions don't get destroyed. They keep listening to what they want to listen to. They don't want to make that noise loud what they don't want to listen and that's happening with most of us. There are rare people who communicate on the basis of absolute rights and wrongs. Most people input their own rights and wrongs and that's where poor communication begins. Most times, we don't want to listen but we are actually understanding the truth easily. In gist, we ignore to save our myths.

    This article will focus on how you can develop the right kind of communication with the right people. Communication is an art and art needs to be practiced:

    1. Most Problems are Solved with Understanding, Not With Communication

    Most times, it's not the communication that solves the problem but it's the understanding between two people, no matter whether the problem gets solved or not but they learn the real art of communication.

    Before learning the art of communication, first try to learn, how significant the person you are communicating with is! Because communication gets stable when you realise how much you care about someone and understand whether he's the significant part of your life or not. In most relationships, people forget who they are talking to and then in a flow, they say the harshest words of their life to someone & hurt him badly for the entire life.

    Remember, the other person will forgive you but this will always remain with him for life. When you feel angry, try to remove your ego, stay silent and then think, are you doing the right communication to the right person? Understanding comes before words. All words are useless if they don't want to understand you at the level you are speaking.

    2. The Best Communication of Life is Silence

    If you are empathetic and really know about your person, then you don't need to communicate everything to that person who understands you but before creating such understanding, you have to go through a lot of talking & misunderstandings.

    There are couples who pour too much love even before speaking and some people fail to do so. When you are talking to someone, understand he's a different world. Be empathetic and learn about his behaviour. Knowing others is a silent art but most people ignore and forget to even understand the people they love.

    3. We aren't talking to the same person we are expecting

    Every life is a different world in itself. Every time I talk to someone, I believe, everyone has different culture, life, environment, situations, family, thoughts, career, friends, struggles, relationships and many more. After understanding the art of right communication, i believe, we don't setup good communication with someone with more talking or words but we start accepting some trustworthy people in our lives even how much diverse they are from us. It's easy to reject a different person in the beginning but once you build some emotional connection, you start to love that part of their life. See, all the differences always remain the same but it's the emotional bond and acceptance that makes us feel easy in their presence.

    The Vital Rule of Communication: You are talking to a different person & life & everything will not work like you want. So, that form of understanding helps us to accept the situation and build the right communication. Accept the truth and everything will turn out right.

    4. Always Listen to The Women

    Shahrukh Khan said, the best compliment you can give to a woman, is to listen to them when they are communicating. The attentive listening is the best respect you can give to any communication. When you listen to someone, you make them reveal their feelings and emotions in the right way. If you feel emotionally connected with someone and he listens to you, then you are lucky enough to create that level of bonding. Also, be interested than to be interesting. People love answering and expressing themselves in a true form when they feel others are actually listening and understanding and this bond becomes stronger than ever.


    - Good communication leads to good silence. Bad communication leads to awkward silence and you may feel negative afterward.

    - You don't always need to yell. People are already listening.

    - Women want someone who can listen to their emotions. Men hide their emotions because no one wants to understand them.

    - A good communication doesn't solve everything. It just builds the emotional bond & trust that makes you empathetic and you start to create a good understanding with acceptance.

    - Marriages fail because people start to put their burden of expectations on their partners. Be calm and everything will fall into place.

    - When you are angry, always remember, who you are talking to.

    - A good fight is mostly with the problems and not with the person.

    - Vibes and energy don't lie. Don't ignore the invisible power of communication.

    - Last but not least, when you understand someone on his level, you will become a very different person.


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